Egyptian Runner Rug #1

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Egyptian Runner Rug #1


This vintage 1990s cotton mix rug, imported from Egypt, is patterned in an exciting geometric way, with a mix of browns, reds, greens, and yellows. The edges of the rug are fringed, and the runner material soft and comforting to the touch.

These types of rugs are common in many Egyptian households, and can be used as a hallway runner, as a sofa covering - or even as a wall hanging to brighten up an interior, as the earthy colours and pleasing patterns lend themselves to use as a work of art

All rugs should be washed in cold water and dried flat. A similar Egyptian rug is also available, please see the photo and the other listing.

CREATOR: Unknown


PERIOD: 1990s


CONDITION: Lightly used

WEAR: Slight wear consistent with age but overall good condition

LENGTH: 165cm | 64.9in

WIDTH: 69cm | 27.1in

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